Construction Document Reviews

A successful construction project requires construction documents that are detailed, consistent, technically accurate and complete.  Criterium-Hanna Engineers performs construction document reviews of all kinds to ensure that they meet all of those requirements.

  • Our constructability reviews assist to verify that the construction plans are feasible and complete and validate the construction timing and sequencing.
  • Our shop drawing review verifies that the components manufacturers are constructing meet the architect’s specifications, will “play well” with other building systems and components as well as will integrate smoothly with the overall structure.
  • Our submittal review evaluates the materials the general contractor is using to assess their consistency with design details and performance standards and to identify any potential problems prior to construction. Our engineers use their in-depth knowledge of buildings and building materials to recommend more effective, or more cost-effective alternatives and procedures, where appropriate.
  • Construction Draw Request Reviews as part of our quality assurance process or stand alone service to verify that the cost of materials is reasonable and to confirm that the work for which payment is requested has been completed.

Well-drafted, technically accurate, detailed construction documents help to ensure consistency with architectural requirements and design details and reduce the risks of construction defects.

Criterium-Hanna Engineers can also perform Construction Draw Request Reviews as part of our quality assurance process to verify that the cost of materials is reasonable and to confirm that the work for which payment is requested has been completed.

Contact Criterium-Hanna Engineers to arrange a comprehensive, professional construction document review before your construction project begins.