Property Condition Assessment (PCA)

Some engineering firms specialize in buildings of a certain size or type, or they represent primarily larger clients but few if any smaller ones. Criterium-Hanna Engineers does it all.

Our highly skilled engineers have experience evaluating buildings of all types and all sizes, and they can meet the full spectrum of client needs.  Criterium-Hanna Engineers provides the straightforward evaluation required for a small building, and the far more extensive Property Condition Assessment (PCA) purchasers of larger buildings, and the lenders financing these transactions, typically demand.

What is a Property Condition Assessment?

A Property Condition Assessment conforms to widely recognized national standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and Standard and Poor’s.  A PCA covers every aspect of a property, including, but not limited to:

  • Topography
  • Paving and curbing
  • Landscaping
  • Drainage
  • Structure
  • Roofing
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical,
  • HVAC
  • Security and fire safety
  • Accessibility
  • Regulatory compliance

We look at every major component and every significant aspect of a property’s physical condition.  The comprehensive inspection report our engineers produce detail their findings, identifying deficiencies they have found and noting areas of deferred maintenance that may require attention – and may have budget implications – in the future.

Proficient and Client-oriented

Criterium-Hanna Engineers is not only technically proficient; we are also intensely client-oriented.  We don’t simply tell clients what services we offer; we ask them what they need.  We know that all building owners, buyers of, and investors in, commercial property are not alike.  Many have developed their own inspection templates to match their unique investment goals and portfolio requirements, and Criterium-Hanna Engineers is comfortable working within those individualized parameters.  We will also work with clients to develop customized inspection standards and protocols that may be either narrower or more expansive than the national standards.  Our engineers take these inspection protocols, whether national or customized, as a starting point – a baseline that we aim to exceed with Property Condition Assessments that set the industry standard for professionalism and quality. We ask questions and listen from the beginning, so we can exceed our client’s expectations.

Wondering whether a building purchase makes financial sense? The information Criterium-Hanna Engineers provide in a Property Condition Assessment can help you answer that question. Contact us to tell us what you need and we’ll tell you how Criterium-Hanna Engineers can help.